Narodni Muzej Užice

País / Country: Serbia Museums in Serbia
Depto / Estado / Provincia - Department / State / Province: Uzice
Ciudad / Municipio / Pueblo - City / Municipality / Town: Uzice
Dirección Postal / Address: Dimitrija Tucovica 18, 31000 Uzice
Teléfono / Phone: +38131521-360
Página Web / Website: 
Correo Electrónico / E-mail:
Director: Slavica Stefanovic
Aspectos Relevantes / Relevant aspects: The National Museum Uzice (NMU) is a regional museum being in charge of the territory of eight municipalities of Zlatibor District. Within the NMU, there are professional departments of archeology, ethnology, history and history of art, pedagogue service, professional library,conservation workshops, photo laboratory. Two buildings of the Museum contains the permanent exhibitions: “Uzice, Origin and Development”, “Uzice Republic 1941”, “Legacy of Mihailo Milovanovic,a painter” and “History of the Factory for production af arms in Uzice from 1928 to date”. In underground tunnels there is the permanent exhibition “Partisan Factory of arms and ammunition 1941”.
The permanent exhibition “The town house from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century” is located at Jokanovica house, as the constituent part of museum complex. On Kadinjaca, within the memorial home there is the permanent setting of “Workers battalion in the fight on Kadinjaca”.
Servicios / Services: Museum experts are engaged in scientific and museum-research work, cataloguing museum objects, conservation and restoration and recording and documentation work, exhibition and publishing, educational, pedagogical and information and marketing activities.
Historia / History: National Museum Uzice was founded in 1946, first as the Museum of Uprising 1941. The National Museum was established in 1963, which incorporated both The Museum of Uprising 1941. and the Local Museum.
Horario de atención / Office hours: 9-15h, monday-saturday
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Quien reporta / Registered by: Ivana Todorovic


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