National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia

País / Country: Slovenia Museums in Slovenia
Depto / Estado / Provincia - Department / State / Province: /
Ciudad / Municipio / Pueblo - City / Municipality / Town: Ljubljana
Dirección Postal / Address: Celovška 23
Teléfono / Phone: 0038613009611
Página Web / Website: 
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Director: Dr Kaja Širok
Aspectos Relevantes / Relevant aspects: National Museum of Contemporary History is dedicated to the twentieth century, which was one of the most turbulent periods in the history of Slovenia. During this period, Slovenia was under the rule of many different countries and forms of government. It survived two World Wars, participated in the technology revolution and, in 1991, after the Ten-Day War, Slovenia gained its independence and became a sovereign state. It connects the fates of 20th century Slovenian people and provides visitors with answers to questions about their own identity in modern times. The Museum also serves as a gathering place for groups of all kinds and as a place for dialogue and reflection. It not only answers questions, but it also raises questions and assists visitors in their search for answers, forming a type of partnership in which the Museum serves as a dynamic, innovative and welcoming establishment.
Servicios / Services: Exhibitions (permanent: Slovenians in the 20th Century, 2 temporary), museum shop, guided tours, photo library, library, museum shop, birthday celebrations.
Historia / History: The National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia was established in 1948 as the National Liberation Museum of the LRS, which was in 1962 renamed the Museum of the People's Revolution. In 1994, three years after the independence of Slovenia, it was renamed the Museum of Contemporary History, and extended its collection policy to the period from the beginning of the 20th century to modern times. Since 2001, the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia is a national museum that preserves the cultural heritage of the 20th century. The baroque mansion, housing the museum, was constructed in 1752 by Count Leopold Karl Lamberg, and is now a cultural monument of national significance.
Horario de atención / Office hours: We are open from Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 6pm, Thursdays between June and August 10am – 8pm (excluding public holidays, with the exception of February 8, the Slovenian Cultural Holiday and 27 April, 1 and 2 May).
Free First Sundays: Every first Sunday of the month, admission is free.
Redes institucionales a las que pertenece / Institutional networks to which it belongs: ICOM, Slovene Musuems Association
Temas de la Colección / Subjects of the Collecction: Fine Art Collection
Collection of Weapons and Military Equipment
Collection of Postcards
Textile Collection
Numismatic Collection
Collection of Medals and Decorations
Collection of Badges, Signs and Plaques
Philatelic Collection
Collection of Personal Items and Documents
Oral History Collection
World War II Collection
Tamaño de la Colección / Collecction Size:
URL del Catálogo de la Colección / Catalogue's URL:
Redes Sociales / Social Networks:


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